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Category: Boat Work

Finished Project List

Finished Project List

We’re winding down our time in North Carolina – in fact, we hope to be out of the state by the end of the week! In the meantime, it’s like the Wild West over here, trying to wrap up a few more projects, plus battle whatever new problem we’ve discovered (today’s discovery: a big piece fell off the bottom of the dinghy!?).

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It’s a Weird Christmas

It’s a Weird Christmas

We were supposed to be in the Bahamas by now, surrounded by new friends, balmy temps, clear water and fresh lobster.

Instead, we’re alone at this marina, still working on boat projects, with no end in sight. Let’s break it down…

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A Quick Project Update

A Quick Project Update

We’re buried in boat work but that doesn’t mean I can’t share some photos! Here’s a quick rundown of the projects we’re tackling, the biggest of which is adding a hard top and more solar power.

Plus: bonus cat picture. If that doesn’t sell it I don’t know what will.

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August Wrap Up

August Wrap Up

A summary of our August adventures, including a visit to the sail loft, financial discussions, new brake pads, Milky Way photography, stuff breaking on the boat, and Boone Hall Plantation!

July Wrap-Up

July Wrap-Up

A summary of our July adventures, including flooding, cleaning decals off the hull, taking down our sails, pulling up our dinghy, and Korean sunscreen!

Small Boat Projects

Small Boat Projects

This month we did some minor boat projects, including waterproofing the bimini (which worked so well that it nearly destroyed the bimini), building and installing shelves in our spice cabinet to maximize storage space, and upgrading some of the flooring from LEGO-texture to a nice smooth surface.

We’re Taking on Water!

We’re Taking on Water!

We’re having serious water problems lately. First, our bimini leaks like a sieve, when it rains there isn’t a dry spot in the cockpit. Then, we open the locker with our starting battery, and find that it is full of water, and water is still coming in! We’re taking on water!

The Boat List

The Boat List

We finally had a full weekend aboard, so we spent some time making this space feel a little more like home and less like camping. Picture hard-core organization and ruthlessly getting rid of more stuff. The cockpit was, briefly, empty. Then Kyle got the inflatable SUP out and pulled one of the kayaks off the deck and we explored the marina from the water.