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Author: Darcy

Marina Drama

Marina Drama

Our marina woes aren’t over. We’re still asking questions like “where are we going to live next week?” which is really testing the limits of my serenity. I know only one thing for certain: no Charleston marina wants liveaboards.

The Boat List

The Boat List

We finally had a full weekend aboard, so we spent some time making this space feel a little more like home and less like camping. Picture hard-core organization and ruthlessly getting rid of more stuff. The cockpit was, briefly, empty. Then Kyle got the inflatable SUP out and pulled one of the kayaks off the deck and we explored the marina from the water.

CCPRC Reciprocal Program

CCPRC Reciprocal Program

There is a trick to living the good life in Charleston, and we were lucky enough to discover it a few months after we moved here. It has absolutely changed our perspective on Charleston. We never would have visited so many places or attended so many festivals – FOR FREE! – without knowing about the brilliant CCPRC volunteer reciprocal program.

Marina Life

Marina Life

I’m not really sure what I expected from marina life, except that…I didn’t think it’d feel this primitive! Can you relate to our experience?

Last Weekend in the House

Last Weekend in the House

That was one of the most exhausting weekends I’ve ever had. The kind where you come to the horrifying realization that it’s Sunday night and you never actually had any time to relax. I haven’t seen the boat in daylight for ten days.

Downsizing and Moving

Downsizing and Moving

We’re entering the most chaotic week of downsizing and moving – our final week in the house! You’d never believe which weird items we’re finding it hard to part with, and which ones are surprisingly easy to let go.

Sailboat Delivery: Recovery

Sailboat Delivery: Recovery

After we got our asses thoroughly kicked by a gale that chased us all the way down to Georgia, we made the Savannah inlet and headed north on the Intracoastal Waterway. We stopped at Skull Creek Marina, kissed the dry ground, sold the boat, and committed ourselves to being landlubbers for eternity.