March Recap

March Recap

This was a month full of ups and downs!

We started out the month by a trip to Cadillac to view a house for sale. It was a foreclosed doublewide, but right on a lake and with a big, amazing garage and a beautiful deck overlooking the lake. We put in an offer well above asking price because we decided we were all in! After viewing it, we stopped in Cadillac to eat sandwiches with a view of Lake Mitchell.

We didn’t get the house. Our amazing offer was beat by an offer that was 42% above asking price! It was a huge disappointment, since in my head I had already thought about how we would have deck parties with friends, or sit on the deck with coffee watching the sun rise, or the projects we could do in the garage. It still hurts! This was the third place we’ve put an offer on, and our third time being outbid.

A couple days later, we were taking a walk around the neighborhood and found an entire yard full of purple crocuses! The first sign of spring! As I was exclaiming and taking photos, the homeowner came out and thankfully she was just as excited about the flowers as I was.

I stepped my bread-game up a notch this month, with a delicious asiago-basil loaf. I think we finished this in two days.

Michigan opened up vaccines to more and more groups this month, so we got our first vaccine shots! We both felt similar symptoms after the first shot: a very sore arm, and some lethargy the next day. Not too bad! We’re so excited to be joining the ranks of the vaccinated.

Early in the month we felt good about the low COVID cases in our area and even did some thrifting! However, by the end of the month Michigan is the worst state in the USA for COVID cases, especially in some of the more rural areas. We’ve responded accordingly and have reduced to essential trips only. At least the weather is nice enough for outdoor visits again!

We keep taking walks to enjoy this weather and keep finding more and more gorgeous spring flowers. I love it! I can’t wait until everything is green again. (The cover photo for this post is from Caleb and Amy’s yard!)

On one of our thrifting trips we found a pastamaker, so we had a pasta day with Caleb and Amy! I don’t think I’ve ever had homemade pasta before, and Amy prepped three fillings for various raviolis. It was an amazing meal, even if it did take all day to make!

We also managed to visit family in northern Michigan and northern Indiana this month, all of whom have started their vaccination process as well! We’re very excited at the prospect of “normal” gatherings this summer. Onward and upward!

Tell us what you think!