Scuppernong River Festival
Saturday I attended the Scuppernong River Festival. Ken and Kelly brought their 1966 Century Resorter to the parade, the grand marshal and his wife rode in the boat. If you’re looking for a vintage boat in great shape, this one is for sale!
After the parade, we wandered around town, there were a multitude of vendors and a surprising amount of people. We walked across the bridge to see a replica Confederate warship, the ram Albemarle.
One funny thing about this town is that they have signs posted with instructions for high water. Apparently it happens often enough that they have rules about wakes in the road.
After the Scuppernong River Festival, I borrowed a manual bilge pump from Ken and tackled the crash lockers. I think I pulled about 15 gallons of water out of the starboard side. The port side has pieces of gross foam in it, so I couldn’t get the pump in the access hole and I was unwilling to touch the foam. Kyle will probably have a good solution for that (aka he will do it).
I tried to clean the boat up, since we hadn’t given Ken and Kelly a tour yet and they wanted to see it. I invited them over for happy hour + boat tour. They were impressed with how spacious it is – the cockpit and salon especially are just so open. Kelly loved my hanging lockers, even though I still have to fold up my dresses on the hangers so they don’t drag, they’re still much taller than the lockers on their 36’ Albin.
I’m falling into a routine now. I spend the morning doing laptop work (blog, social media), and then I spend the afternoon doing boat projects. I scrubbed the whole interior, which was starting to grow a little bit of mold. I waited til we got to NC to do this, because I think the Charleston humidity was the driver in mold growth. We’ll see.
I especially needed to scrub the screen door, which should be white but has been looking pretty gray lately. After I did that, the whole boat smelled like a swimming pool (bleach) so I opened everything up.
Kyle arrived back in Charleston around 2pm on Sunday. He went straight from the wedding reception to the airport, then stayed up the rest of the night, and only got some sleep on the plane. A friend picked him up and brought him to the marina where both of our vehicles are. He hopped in the car and headed north, but got stuck in traffic on 95, so he didn’t arrive home until almost 10pm.
The next day, Kyle cleared out the crash locker on the port side. We raised the water line in the front by a few inches doing that.
He’s also been emptying out the port side. The port side has always been a little lower than the starboard side, but we store a lot of stuff in the port side. We know we’ve got to rebalance it, but we’ve been waiting until we got here so we could reorganize. Kyle and I cleared out space in Ken’s workshop, and Kyle emptied the port hull, but the port side is still deeper in the water than the starboard side.
I took apart my old cell phone. The touch screen was going downhill, but during Florence it stopped working completely. I ordered a new screen for it, but shipping from China took six weeks so I had it sent to this marina. Well, I cracked the back screen during disassembly, but when I put the phone back together it worked! Now I just need to replace the back screen and I’ll have my phone back! I’ve cut service to it, though, so it’s going to be my Instagram machine, wifi only.
Kelly mentioned she was going to take a quick trip to their log cabin on Wednesday, she is concerned about downed trees after Michael went through – they were already in a precarious position after Florence. That sounds like a great opportunity for us to get a ride to the train station, so we’ll take the Wednesday train down to Charleston to fetch the bus.